Prior to arranging an initial appointment we offer a free, no obligation, 10 minute telephone consultation. During this call we will gather brief information about your current situation and discuss whether we are the right service to meet your needs. Don't worry if you are not sure what it is that you need, we are happy to discuss this with you.
We offer online appointments over zoom or face to face appointments at our Newcastle clinic (NE12).
If you are self-funding we accept payment through BACS.
We are registered with a number of private health insurance companies. It may be possible to use your insurance to cover the cost (excluding any excess). The policy holder must contact the insurance company to speak about commencing therapy with us prior to the first appointment. We are registered with AVIVA, CIGNA, Bupa, Allianz Care and WPA.
Individual Assessment and Therapy for Adults
Assessment and Therapy for Children and Young People
Face to Face or Online over zoom
Bespoke training packages
Supervision for other professionals
Consultation and advice around case management